
Classification of green packaging materials

The selection of priority order commonly used packaging materials are paper, cardboard, aluminium, glass, plastic, iron and so on. From the perspective of green packaging, the most priority choice is no packaging or the least amount of packaging, it fundamentally eliminates the impact of packaging on the environment; The second is returnable, refillable or recyclable packaging, whose recycling benefits and effects depend on the recycling system and consumers' concepts.

Green packaging design generally follows the three R principles, namely Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

  • Recycled and recycled packaging materials

The land and forests are the basis of the ecological balance of human beings. In view of this situation, people can consider the use of reusable and recycled packaging materials, such as beer, beverages, soy sauce, vinegar and other packaging using glass bottles repeatedly, polyester bottles after recycling can be recycled with some methods. Recycling packaging can be used in two ways, physical method refers to the direct and complete purification and crushing, no residue of any pollutants, after the treatment of plastic and then directly used in recycling packaging containers. Chemical method refers to the recovery of PET (polyester film) after crushing and washing, under the action of catalyst, PET all depolymerization into a monomer or partial depolymerization, purification and then polymerization monomer into recycled packaging materials. The reuse and regeneration of packaging materials only prolong the service life of polymer materials such as plastic as packaging materials. When the service life of packaging materials is reached, they still have to face the problem of waste disposal and environmental pollution.

  • Edible packaging material

This is a good way to solve the contradiction between food packaging waste and environmental protection. In the design of partial food packaging, it can be made into an edible packaging film that does not affect the original flavour of packed food. By the 21st century, countries around the world have developed a variety of, such as an Australian company developed an edible potato chip packaging, people eat potato chips after eating the packaging. Another example is an edible fruit and vegetable preservative made by a British company. It is a translucent emulsion made of sugar, starch, fatty acid and polyester, which can be sprayed, painted or dipped on the surface of fruits and vegetables such as apples, oranges, watermelons, bananas and tomatoes. Because this kind of preservative forms a layer sealing film on the surface of the fruit, it can prevent oxygen from entering the interior of fruits and vegetables, thus prolonging the ripening process and playing a role in keeping fresh. The preservative period of fruits and vegetables coated with this preservative can be as long as 200 days or more. Best of all, it can also be eaten with fruits and vegetables.

The glutinous rice paper used on candy packaging and the corn baking cup used in ice cream packaging is typical edible packaging. Synthetic edible packaging film in the more mature is transparent, colourless, odourless, non-toxic, with toughness, the high oil-resistant film can be used for food packaging. Its lustre, strength, folding resistance are better. 

  • Degradable material

Degradable material refers to a kind of plastic whose chemical structure changes in a specific environment that causes performance loss in a specific time. Biodegradable plastic packaging materials not only have the functions and characteristics of traditional plastics but also can be completed after the service life, through the role of ultraviolet light in the sun or the role of microorganisms in soil and water, in the natural environment to split degradation and reduction, and finally re-enter the ecological environment in a non-toxic form, return to nature. For example, a French dairy company mixes ingredients from sugar beets with minerals to create an eco-box.

  • Paper material

Paper raw materials are mainly natural plant fibre, in nature will rot quickly, will not cause pollution to the environment, can also recycle paper. Therefore, many large international companies use recyclable paper for annual reports and publicity materials and use recycled paper to make letterhead and letterhead to reflect their green purpose of environmental concern and establish a good corporate image. Paper materials also pulp injection parts, composite materials, building materials and other USES. Pulp moulded products in addition to lightweight, cheap, shockproof and other advantages it also has good air permeability, is conducive to fresh goods, in the international circulation of goods, is widely used in eggs, fruits, glass products and other fragile, fragile, afraid of extrusion items turnover packaging.

In addition, packaging designers can use pure and natural materials to improve the packaging design, such as using coconut shell to design a bowl container can be cleverly designed into food packaging. With packaging design design and color and arouse people's environmental consciousness, the design and colour of the product packaging sounds a little to do, and environmental protection, but it has a direct impact on consumers' visual perception, if deliberately attach some environmental mark on the package and environmental image, will stimulate the consumer's brain, remind consumers don't want disorderly throw away packaging waste. Some packaging pictures often use beautiful landscape pictures, not only can give people visual enjoyment but also enhance consumer awareness of environmental protection.

The inevitable trend of green packaging

Green packaging can also be called pollution-free packaging and friends of the environment packaging, refers to the ecological environment and human health harmless, reusable and renewable, in line with the sustainable development of packaging. Its idea has two meanings: one is to protect the environment, and the other is to save resources. The two go hand in hand and cannot be separated. Environmental protection is the core, and resource conservation is closely related to environmental protection, because resource conservation can reduce waste, in fact, is to protect the environment from the source. 

From a technical point of view, the green packaging refers to the natural plant and associated minerals as raw material to develop the ecological environment and human health is harmless in pairs, is conducive to recycling, easy degradation, a kind of environmentally friendly packaging of sustainable development, that is, its packaging products from raw materials selection, product manufacturing to use and abandoned the whole life cycle, all should meet the requirements of the ecological environment protection should be green packaging materials, packaging design, and to develop the three aspects of green packaging industry and realize the green packaging

Specifically, green packaging should have the following meanings:

  1. Implement packaging reduction. Green packaging should be the appropriate package with the least amount of consumption under the condition of satisfying the functions of protection, convenience and sales. Europe and the United States and other countries will reduce packaging as the development of harmless packaging measures.
  2. The packaging should be easy to Reuse or Recycle. Through repeated use, or through recycling waste, production of recycled products, incineration using heat energy, composting to improve the soil, and other measures, to achieve the purpose of recycling. Not only does not pollute the environment but also can make full use of the resources.
  3. Packaging waste degradation can corrupt (Degradable).In order not to form permanent waste, non-recyclable packaging waste should be decomposed and decomposed to improve the soil. All the industrial countries in the world attach great importance to the development of biodegradable or photodegradable packaging materials. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Degradable is now in the 21st century, the development of the world recognized green packaging principle of 3 R and 1 D.
  4. Packaging materials should be non-toxic and harmless to humans and organisms. Packaging materials should not contain toxic substances or toxic substances should be controlled below the relevant standards.
  5. During the whole life cycle of packaging products, environmental pollution or public hazards should not be caused. That is to say, the whole life process of packaging products, from the raw material collection, material processing, product manufacturing, product use, waste recycling and recycling to final treatment, should not cause public hazards to human body and environment.

In the above meaning of green packaging, the first four points should be the requirements that green packaging must have, and the last point is the ideal and highest requirements for green packaging from the perspective of system engineering based on life cycle evaluation. From the above analysis, green packaging can be defined as: green packaging is able to recycle, recycle or degrade decay, and in the whole life cycle of the product does not cause public hazards to the human body and the environment.

The Advantages of Using Coated Paper

Paper with a clay or polymer coating applied to one or both sides is coated paper. The coating can be dull, gloss, matte or high-gloss (cast coated). Commercial printers typically offer a selection of coated and uncoated papers for use on printing projects. Coated paper produces sharper, brighter images when used in printing and has better reflectivity than uncoated paper. Even the dull and matte coated papers, which are not very shiny, provide a much superior surface for printing than uncoated papers. Coated papers are usually coated on both sides of the sheet, but the coating can be applied to only one side, such as for use with labels.

Coated Paper Types

Coated papers are manufactured at paper mills and should not be confused with paper that is coated at a commercial printing company during the printing process with UV coating or flood varnish, which is applied in-line on a printing press as a job prints or afterward.

  • Gloss-coated paper: Shiny and supports high contrast and a wider color gamut than other types of paper. It is often used for marketing materials and magazines with a lot of color images. Gloss paper lends a "pop" to color images printed on it that doesn't occur on uncoated papers. It can, however, exhibit glare, which makes any text harder to read. 
  • Dull-coated paper: A better choice when images and text are both important in a print job. The reduction of glare on the dull-coated paper makes the text easy to read, while the coated surface delivers a smooth, high-quality base for image reproduction. 
  • Matte-coated paper: Similar to dull coated, it is a little lighter to the touch and less shiny than matte paper. From a quality standpoint, it is the least premium of the coated stocks, and it is usually the least expensive as a result.
  • Cast-coated paper: Super-shiny paper. The surface is superior for the reproduction of images and is ideal for die cutting. However, the heavy coating tends to crack, so it isn't recommended for any printed piece that must fold. The paper is harder to work with and is considerably more expensive than other coated papers.

When Coated Paper Is Preferred

Coated paper adds a glossy, professional touch to magazines and similar publications. Coated paper resists dirt and moisture and requires less ink to print because it is not absorbent. Because the ink tends to sit on top of the paper rather than soak into it, the images are sharp. Coated papers are usually heavier than uncoated papers, which adds heft to a print job. 

Because coated paper is smoother and has better ink holdout — is less absorbent — than uncoated paper, it is more suitable for certain types of finishing techniques such as flood or spot varnish or other finish coatings.

The Differences Between Coated and Uncoated Paper

Coated paper can be very shiny or have only a subtle shine depending on the choice of finish. The coating on many coated papers means you can't write on it with an ink pen, so don't choose it for forms that need to be filled out — use uncoated paper instead. 

Uncoated paper is not as smooth as coated paper, but it is more widely used, even though it is more absorbent and usually requires more ink to print an image. Uncoated papers are the best choice for letterhead, envelopes, and forms that need to be printed or written on. Uncoated paper comes in a wider selection of finishes and colors than does coated paper, and in most cases, uncoated paper is less expensive than coated paper. 

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