
Why are kraft paper bags so popular?

Kraft paper bags have no advantage over other packaging paper bags because the kraft paper bags themselves cannot be printed too much, so it is displayed as it is. However, with the increasing environmental awareness of the society, the style of paper bag packaging has changed. Because kraft paper bags are more environmentally friendly, can be recycled, and are inexpensive, so the current kraft paper bag packaging is deeply loved by consumers.

As a packaging material, kraft paper has a high strength and a yellowish brown color. Its advantage is that it is affordable, does not require film, and has high price. So what is the difference between kraft paper and ordinary paper? In terms of manufacturing methods, kraft paper is not much different from ordinary paper. The main reason is that the cowhide uses a relatively long wood fiber and uses caustic soda and alkali sulfide chemicals to treat the wood. Its advantage is that it can alleviate the chemical action of the material, so that the original strength of the wood fiber is less damaged. The kraft paper made from this pulp is quite strong. In addition, because the natural brown color of kraft paper makes the kraft paper bag look more warm, use it with confidence.

The second reason why kraft paper bags are favored is its practicality. It is convenient and practical for food packaging materials. In addition, the strength of kraft paper is its biggest advantage. Because kraft paper can remain unchanged in a humid environment, it prevents the outflow of liquid food and plays an important role in packaging. In fact, China's kraft paper bags are still a little different from foreign countries, mainly in the industry is not concentrated, and the utilization rate is extremely low. But the leather shows that the development space of kraft paper bags in China is still very large, which also explains why kraft paper bags are so popular.

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