
Uniqlo began to turn plastic bags into paper bags in September

On July 3, UNIQLO parent company Fast Retailing Group said that from September this year, environmentally-friendly paper bags were used instead of plastic bags in 12 national stores around the world, and shopping bags were charged. The group plans to reduce the amount of plastic used in shopping bags and packaging materials by 85% to about 7,800 tons by the end of 2020.

In fact, from the perspective of economics, what is the purpose of a company's initiative to respond to the call of the state or society for environmental protection?

First of all, from the company's own point of view, the world-class sales giants such as Uniqlo voluntarily give up the plastic bags, which means that Uniqlo's social responsibility for the market can trigger the society's good feelings for Uniqlo through this means. Naturally, Uniqlo can be obtained. Better reputation.

Secondly, from the perspective of business management, by promoting their own love of the environment, they can create a more positive corporate image, which is conducive to the development of Uniqlo's own business and brand, thus saving valuable marketing costs.

Thirdly, from the perspective of real economic benefits, Uniqlo is, after all, a well-known and famous chain consumer goods brand in the world. Behind the large sales of Uniqlo every year, in fact, the expenditure of such bags in plastic bags is also an important expense of Uniqlo. Providing plastic bags for free, but charging the paper bags for the bags can save the company a lot of money, and at the same time gain a small income. In this way, why is Uniqlo not doing?

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