
The seven functions of oil-proof packaging paper bags

The oil-proof packaging paper bag has seven functions for food. The oil-proof packaging paper bag is so popular not only because of its environmental protection, but also to understand the seven functions of the oil-proof packaging paper bag:

1. Protection, its most fundamental role is to protect food, food in the production of the factory and then to the hands of consumers, will be affected by external factors. Oil-proof packaging paper bags can protect the quality of food, prevent volatilization, extrusion and so on.
2. Convenient, oil-proof packaging paper bags can bring convenience in the circulation process, and bring consumers a portable in the sales process.
3. Value, reflecting the value of goods and the value of goods used, can be a means of providing added value to products.
4. Beautify and beautify the food packaged to attract customers.
5. Image can improve the corporate image. In the process of selling food, it can also better promote and publicize the image of the company and spread the corporate philosophy.
6. Function, some oil-proof packaging paper bag functional settings make the food in the bag more distinctive.
7. Sales, oil-proof packaging paper bags can print beautiful patterns, which is more influential in the same kind.

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